Hicimos el proceso de “stereoconvertion” de las imágenes de estos dos nuevos libros de Taschen. Ya vamos 4! Son realmente una joyas y la técnica la llevamos a su máximo esplendor. Si tienen la oportunidad vean lo que armamos de la mano de nuestros amigos de Brain Factory en Los Angeles.

Sweet cheeks in 3-D
A cornucopia of delectably rounded, fully dimensional derrières
The Kama Sutra gives detailed instructions on how to spank it. Contemporary Italians touch it for luck before placing a bet. Americans are having it cosmetically enhanced at rates approaching those for breast enlargement surgery. The female butt, tush, culo, or derrière has always inspired awe, fantasy, and slavish devotion, and now its yours – in state-of-the-art 3-D!
The origin of the world
The cat’s out of the bag—in 3 luscious dimensions
First, The Big Book of Breasts, then The Big Penis Book, The Big Book of Legs, and the weighty Big Butt Book. What could follow but The Big Book of Pussy, an in-depth exploration of the female pudendum, that coveted orifice man spends nine months trying to escape, and a lifetime attempting to reenter? And what could follow that but The Big Book of Pussy 3-D?